Is your Data Secure? Get Multi-Factor Authentication Today!

DDI goes to great lengths to protect your data with firewalls, antivirus protection, encrypted databases, secure connections, and much more.  However, there is one thing we cannot 100% control: DDI-Connect™ users and their password management. 

At DDI, we are committed to protecting your constituents’ data. Also, this may surprise you, but compromised passwords account for 80% of all security breaches! DDI is here to help you not fall victim to these fraudulent attacks.

How can DDI Help?

DDI now is offering Multi-factor Authentication. It is a modern, effective tool that provides a second source of validation to verify a user’s identity before granting access. Case studies show that it reduces password breaches by 99.9%! This is why Multi-factor Authentication is so important.

Protect your constituents’ data TODAY! DDI is thrilled to now provide this unique tool to help you and your constituents. Interested? Contact or call Patrick McHugh at 317.713.2488 for information on how to sign up.