For many students, COVID-19 brought-on hardships. Further, this summer, many companies canceled their internships or took-on fewer interns. At DDI, we are honored to invest in the lives and education of students, even in the current state of the world. This summer, we were proud to have Sam Gallagher join us on the DDI team.

Sam Gallagher

This summer, Sam Gallagher served at DDI as our Technical Intern. Sam is incredible in many ways, but his eagerness to learn, collaboration on possible solutions, professionalism, and diverse IT knowledge made him an excellent addition to the DDI team. While his time as DDI only lasted a summer, his accomplishments will last long into the future.

During Sam’s time at DDI, he accomplished great things. Some of his accomplishments include:

  • Applying front-end styling to a web application to improve the user experience of clients that mass-import files into Dynamics 365.
  • Analyzing different client-facing reports and industry standards to build new, consolidated mock-ups for reports.
  • Writing and optimizing a variety of technical documentation.
  • Much more!

Looking Forward to More Professional Investment Opportunities

This fall, Sam heads back to school for his final semester at Ball State University. After this summer, we are certain that Sam will be a prized leader in his future career. Contributing to Sam’s professional development gave us great honor. Also, we look forward to investing in new students in the years to come!